St. Clair Dental

Emergency Dentistry

Same day appointments are available to treat and relieve pain, repair fractured teeth, treat trauma or any urgent concerns you have.

St. Clair Dental understands emergencies happen and we promise to see you for an assessment the same day. Emergency dental appointments may occur from a fall, fractured teeth, abscess, a lost crown, root sensitivity, loose teeth, jaw pain, infected wisdom tooth or sores in the mouth. Our team will ensure a quick an accurate assessment accompanied by a digital x-ray when required to diagnose the source of the emergency and discuss treatment options that are available to you.

It is strongly recommended to attend regular dental visits. These appointments may include digital x-rays to assess and diagnose conditions early to avoid a dental emergency.

See the videos for more information and call us for a consultation. Let us be your partners in oral health.

  • What is tooth decay?
  • Root canal
  • Extraction
  • Regular dental visits
  • Cusp fracture / crown

Explore our other serivces

Teeth Whitening

We offer In-office whitening and various whitening take home systems depending on individual needs and wants.

Root Canal Therapy

A procedure to treat an inflamed or damaged pulp/nerve which enables the tooth to be saved and remain in the mouth to function.


The ability to move misaligned (crooked) teeth without braces. This system uses clear aligners that are virtually invisible.