Root Canal Therapy
A procedure to treat an inflamed or damaged pulp/nerve which enables the tooth to be saved and remain in the mouth to function.
Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the tissues that cover and protect your teeth. It is caused by the formation of plaque (bacteria laden sticky substance) that can harden to become tartar or calculus. These hard and soft substances continually build up and are physically and chemically irritating. If ignored this material could eventually destroy the gum tissue and bone around the tooth.
Early warning signs of disease are swollen, red and bleeding gums, this condition is called gingivitis. This inflammatory response is reversible but if it remains active too long it will lead to periodontitis and periodontal gum disease.
Periodontal disease is very difficult to treat and is manifested by receding gum and bone, loose teeth, discharge when gum is pressed, gum abscesses, bleeding, and bad breath.
Early diagnosis is the key in stopping and reversing gingivitis and preventing the progression into permanent irreversible disease. The importance of regular dental care visits including cleaning, and scaling of the teeth and gums with our hygienist is crucial. Continual monitoring of home hygiene practices at regular visits will keep you on the path of good health.
Dental Hygiene visits will include scaling and polishing to remove plaque and calculus. This will manage the bacterial invasion. These visits will also include time to evaluate and discuss home care habits and risk factors you may not be aware of. The hygienist will also regularly chart gum and bone levels to ensure there are no changes in these tissues. The dentist and the hygienist will routinely discuss any negative changes and give options to stop any progression. This may include surgical intervention. Periodontal disease is relatively painless until it reaches later stages. Routine visits with the hygienist are important in early detection and prevention.
Our office philosophy speaks of radiant smiles and vibrant lives. There is a clear connection between gum disease and overall health. This includes cardiac (heart) complications, stroke, autoimmune disease, diabetes, low and pre-term babies, and inflammatory diseases.
Our St. Clair Dental team of dentists and hygienists know that a healthy mouth is important as we age. A healthy mouth that is absent of disease, inflammation, and pain. It is in our senior years that the neglect in our 30s and 40s will possibly lead to tooth loss and poor function.
Please take care to maintain a healthy mouth throughout your life.
See the videos for more information and call us for a consultation. Let us be your partners in oral health.